Friday, June 19, 2015

Low Self-Esteem and Feelings of Grandiosity are Egotistical & an Aspect of Mental Illness

Definitions of mental illness include phrases such as “disorders that affect your thinking and your ability to relate to others,” according to The Mayo Clinic and NAMI.  Maybe that is why the Word of God instructs us to avoid relying on our own understanding and thoughts.

We are instructed to not “lean to our own understanding” in Proverbs the 3rd chapter.  The New Testament holds an instruction to “destroy every thought that raises itself against the knowledge of God” in 2 Cor. 10:5.

Even 12-step programs understand the harm caused when we obey only our own thoughts.  We call it “EGO.”  EGO is also an acronym for Easing God Out.  My argument is that when we think too highly or too lowly of ourselves, we demonstrate signs of a dis-order in our thinking and stand egotistically against the Word of God.

Members of 12-step programs are familiar with how the ego gets in the way of our ability to make sound decisions.  Initially, someone seeking relief from behavior that demonstrates self-harm is unaware of the harm they have going on in their head.  However, over time, the more healthy relationships a person builds, the more they practice the 12 steps and accountability with a sponsor, a light bulb of self-awareness begins to shine. 

This is when being in recovery is a blessing because we can see our character defects and negative, destructive thinking patterns as in direct violation of spiritual principles, universal law and God’s Word.

Recent news events have made me think of the alternative ways people display dis-ease in their thinking.  Yes, I am referring to the former NAACP President in Spokane, WA and the person who killed church members in South Carolina. 

Morally, we believe it is wrong to harm other people, lie, cheat, kill and steal.  Anytime a person decides to behave in such a fashion, they are literally Easing God Out.  (Some might argue it is a shove, but that doesn’t work as an acronym for this article.)

Granted, some may disagree with me that Easing God Out is a form of mental dis order – but they are also entitled to their opinion.  My argument is that we are all guilty of thinking and doing what we want to do, when we want to do it.  And anytime that occurs, we are acting out of a place that does not demonstrate humility under Universal Law.  We are disrespecting God, other people and denying the human dignity of both ourselves and others.  We are God instead of being under God.

Our society likes to have a standard of behavior to measure right and wrong.  It is right to pay for groceries, clothing and makeup.  It is wrong to steal.  These moral forms of justice are also biblical and universal.  So, lying is missing the mark.  It is deceiving someone into believing something that is not true.  It is also proof of a faulty thinking pattern...dis ease. 

When we think too low of ourselves, we are easing God out.  God says we are wonderfully made and therefore, self-loathing and self-hatred are exalted thoughts against the knowledge and Word of God.

The same goes for believing we are invincible, better than others and have the right to kill.  Signs of faulty thoughts and thinking patterns exalted and lifted up against the knowledge and Word of God.  

Our society is suffering and that means people are too.  Maybe one of the worst decisions this country ever made was to Ease God Out of its daily affairs: education, politics, government, etc.  The extremes that people stretch to protect themselves, advance their own agendas and, subsequently, hurt others have reached unbelievable heights. 

One source of hope for me is that judging other is NOT the solution.  Praying for others is one solution.  Focusing on my own “right” behavior is another solution.  Allowing others to help me monitor my behavior, thoughts and moods helps too.  In this way, I remain accountable to Christ and others for my behavior and will not get stuck in leaning to my own understanding. 

Granted, none of us does this perfectly, including me.  But it is the grace of God that allows us to humbly ask for direction.  If we obey what we hear and read, we grab hold of a peace that passes all understanding.  It comes from living out God’s desires for our lives.  This peace is a sign that dis ease and dis order in our thinking will not rule the way we live our lives.

Be blessed,


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