Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Actively Choose

There are a few character defects that get in the way of us enjoying a relationship with Christ.  Procrastination, laziness, fear and probably many others.  

But a clear understanding that God chooses to be in relationship with us is a revelation.  In fact, it is a spiritual awakening.

Knowing God then calls us to be in God’s presence is an awareness that God invites us to commune with him.  Oh, what joy.

Do you remember when people avoided you?  Shunned you?  Kept their distance?

But God has overlooked our past faults and still desires to be in an intimate relationship with us.  If we actively choose to respond, we are blessed with God’s presence, peace and an unspeakable joy.

Lay aside the thoughts, character defects and any limitations that hinder you from being in communication with God.  Actively Choose God.

Be Blessed,


Friday, June 12, 2020

No Condemnation

This is not the time for the voice of the enemy to be the loudest in your life.

The Bible says no one in Christ is condemned/penalized.  No one in Christ.

So, since you have accepted and acknowledged Christ as your Savior, you can gently remind yourself that because of your past sins, God does not condemn you. 
You condemn you. You allow the voice of the enemy to speak unforgiveness to your soul.


See, our standards of being in right relationship with God are not God’s standards.  We tell ourselves that because of the past, we are not worthy to talk to God.  We tell ourselves that we are not allowed to talk to God.  But this is not true.

Once we ask for forgiveness of sins, we are forgiven.

And, we go into God’s presence.

Remind yourself, through God’s Word and your cooperation with God, that you are loved, forgiven and free.

Each time you remember an act that you are not proud of, tell yourself, I forgive you for that.

Then repeat the Word of God to yourself, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus.”  (Romans 8.1 ESV)

Try this translation if it is better:  The Message says, “With the arrival of Jesus, the Messiah, that fateful dilemma is resolved. Those who enter into Christ’s being-here-for-us no longer have to live under a continuous, low-lying black cloud. A new power is in operation. The Spirit of life in Christ, like a strong wind, has magnificently cleared the air, freeing you from a fated lifetime of brutal tyranny at the hands of sin and death.”

But, I also like this one:  There is no condemnation now for those who live in union with Christ Jesus. Romans 8.1 (GNB)

There are people who believe their wrongs and mistakes in the past prevent them from having the right to pray; and doubt God hears their prayers.

Because you are saved, you are not condemned.  You are not banished from the presence of God.  You can boldly (without shame) approach God and know that he hears you.

There is, therefore, no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus!

Proof – Psalm 32 – The Bible says when our sins are forgiven and covered, we are blessed.  But it implies that by faith we know we are forgiven and therefore, our sins are covered.  Verse 2 says we are blessed because the Lord does not count our sin against us and we are in right relationship with him because there is no deceit in our spirit.

Burdened with the weight of our sin, zapped of energy because of its heaviness, we (v. 5) acknowledge our sin, confess it to God and God forgave the guilt left over from the act of sin. 
Since God has forgiven us, we can pray to God while He may be found.


            I can relate to having to take time to understand what this means for my own life personally.  Often, people can tell us what to do but don’t share why they needed to do it or how difficult it was to do.  Trust me, it was challenging.

            It reminds me of the Third Step prayer from 12-step programs which says, Take my will and my life, guide me in my recovery, show me how to live.”  

Prayer:          Lord, I don’t know how to crawl from underneath this weight of guilt, shame and worthlessness.  I need you to help me.  Help me to forgive myself.  Show me I can be free from the bondage of my past.  Others say I can, but I have trouble believing this can happen for me.  Please, guide me into true freedom in you.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

A Lament

Our Current Situation

Current events leave many of us with a mixed, jumbled ball of emotions.  We have had plenty of practice knowing when and how and if we should speak about racial issues.  But times have changed. 

With the murders that have taken place of black men and women since COVID-19 hit, we are forced to speak, act, wait, pray and vote.

My Voice

Although I feel it is important that I say something as a community member, blogger and minister, I first have to say that I don’t want to vocalize my thoughts on this issue.  

1.  Because I never thought what I said mattered; and

2. What will change?

As a recipient of racist taunting and teasing as a child, and a decision to stop pledging allegiance to the U.S. flag as a teenager, I have long been convinced of the evil and wickedness in this country.

Yet, I feel the spirit of a former professor, Dr. Donna Allen, compelling me to speak. 

I have not liked living on American soil since I was a child.  I have wanted to live oversees, in Africa specifically, for a long, long time.  When the current man took office, I really wanted to leave.  My love for my adult children and grandchildren keep me here.

In the meantime, all I know to do is pray, vote, trust God, and pray some more. 

Do I think things will change?  No. 

Then why pray, you might ask. 

Because it is the one place where I can say what I mean and know that I am heard.  Where else can I run to?


We all have been disappointed because God didn’t answer our prayers as we wanted.  I am certainly no exception. 

But I do know that there is no other source of strength and hope that exists.  None. 

Hoping for some thing or person to make life bearable or tolerable is a lie.  I don’t live there anymore.  But I do believe that God can and will give me the strength to endure today’s trials, tribulations and temptations.

Ps. 42:11 - Why, my soul, are you downcast?
    Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
    for I will yet praise him,
    my Savior and my God.

There is a comfort for all our woes and concerns and that is found in God.

Acknowledging God as my Savior means I know God will quiet my worries and struggles about these protests, US leadership and much more. 

A remedy will come forth, but only when God allows it.

Putting my hope in God means I believe there is a God who will protect me and you in trouble and tribulation.

God, who is also manifested through family and friends, is all I have to comfort me.  God is more than enough.  And, my friend, I hope you will ask God to comfort you too.

Be blessed,
Minister Michelle