Thursday, February 15, 2018

Each piece falls into place

“As I look back over my life, and I think things over, I can truly say, that I’ve been blessed, I’ve got a testimony.”  Black spiritual

Triumphs, victories and conquests are joyous to experience.  Trauma, trials and tribulations are difficult to bear and unwelcomed events.  Yet both work together to shape us into the beautiful, strong, resilient beings God intended.

When things go wrong, and life seems difficult, the broken pieces of our life seem irreparable.  We just can’t seem to imagine how “all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”  (Romans 8:28 NKJV)

Rarely do we think of our lives as puzzles.  With effort, any puzzle can be pieced together.  But, as with any puzzler, it takes effort, diligence and consistency to view the final product. 

When we can’t seem to piece together the fallen and out of sort pieces of our lives, because of hurt, pain or sickness, our sense of safety is threatened. 

What is most important to remember is that God’s Word states that all things, all pieces of our life puzzle, work together for good

Each piece of our life, good, bad, difficult or baffling, is a piece of the puzzle designed to shape and form a complete design.  It is the same way with our lives.  As we strive to overcome illnesses, achieve goals and pursue excellence, we are being shaped and made into a beautiful design created and crafted by God.

Don’t despair.  If the pieces of your life seem to have fallen apart, remember, there is a God willing to guide you into how to know, discern and become aware of which piece to pick up and try to fit it into God’s divine plan.

Trust God.